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Staff feedback
help us get to a better place

Country Road
Staff Feedback

Overall job satisfaction

How satisfied are you with your overall experience working at this clinic?
Do you feel valued and appreciated in your role?
How likely are you to recommend this clinic as a good place to work?

Satisfaction with duties & role

How well do your job responsibilities match your skills and expertise?
Do you feel your workload is manageable?
Do you feel you have the necessary tools, training, and resources to perform your job effectively?
Do you feel you have opportunities for professional growth and development?
Do you receive clear and constructive feedback on your performance?

Workplace Psychological & Physical Safety

Do you feel physically safe while performing your duties at the clinic?
Have you received proper training on workplace safety protocols (e.g., handling medical equipment, infection control, emergency procedures)?
Do you feel comfortable voicing concerns about workplace safety without fear of retaliation
How would you rate the emotional and psychological support available in the workplace?
Do you feel supported by management and leadership when you have concerns?
Have you ever experienced or witnessed workplace harassment, bullying, or discrimination at this clinic?

Suggestions & Comments

Thank You!


Your feedback is valuable and will help us improve our workplace environment. If you would like to discuss any concerns further, please contact Dr. Cristina Pop on her cell phone (known to all staff).

Thank you! Your form has been submitted.

Cabbagetown Women’s Clinic is a Toronto women's clinic providing safe and confidential quality abortion services. Our services are free under OHIP and we often have same or next day availability. Call us at 416-323-0642 or book an appointment online via our website. â€‹

© 2024 by Cabbagetown Women's Clinic.

1624 Queen St. East, Toronto

We also speak Romanian, French, Portugese, Tagalog  and Mandarin!

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